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Services to the Discipline and Profession
Peer Reviewer of Proposals and Publications for Research Bodies & Grant Institutions
- National Science Foundation (NSF), USA [CAREER, Regular, and DDRI Grants]
- National Geographic Society (NGS), USA
- Fulbright Fund, Department of State, USA
- Social Science Research Council (SSRC), USA
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada
- International Development Research Council (IDRC), Canada
- Jacques May Thesis Prize, Health and Medical Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers (AAG), USA
- CRDF Global (USA)
- Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA)
- Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), UK
- Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), UK
- Leverhulme Trust, UK
- Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA), UK
- Netherlands Foundation for Science for Global Development (WOTRO), Netherlands
- Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Netherlands
- Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Switzerland
- International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Sri Lanka
- Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN), Bangladesh
Editorial Boards of International Journals
- Dialogues in Human Geography
- ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies
- Gender, Place and Culture
- The Geographical Journal
- Climate and Development
- Policy Studies
- AAG Review of Books
- World Development Perspectives
Editorial Roles in International Journals
- Sultana, F. 2014, Invited guest editor for the journal SAGE Open
- Budds, J. and F. Sultana, 2013, Guest Editor for Special Issue on ‘Exploring Political Ecologies of Water and Development’ in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space [Special Issue contains 5 peer-reviewed articles]
- O’Reilly, K., S. Halvorson, F. Sultana, and N. Laurie, 2009, Guest Editor for Special Issue on ‘Gender Geographies of Water’ in Gender, Place, and Culture [Special Issue contains 6 peer-reviewed articles]
- Cahill, C., F. Sultana, and R. Pain, 2007, Guest Editor for Special Issue on ‘Participatory Ethics’ in ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies. [Special Issue contains 10 peer-reviewed articles]
Peer Reviewer of Manuscripts for International Journals
ACME; Annals of the Association of American Geographers; Antipode; Applied Geography; Area; City, Culture and Society; Climate and Development; Cultural Anthropology; Development and Change; Emotion, Space and Society; Environment and Planning A; Environment and Planning C; Environment and Planning D: Space & Society; Environment and Society; Environmental Conservation; Environmental Hazards; Feminist Economics; Geoforum; Geografiska Annaler B; Geography Compass; Geographical Review; GeoJournal; Gender, Place and Culture; Global Environmental Change; International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction; International Journal of Public Administration; International Journal of River Basin Management; International Journal of Urban and Regional Research; Journal of Geography and Regional Planning; Journal of International Development; Landscape and Urban Planning; Oxford Development Studies; Political and Legal Anthropology Review; Progress in Human Geography; Progress in Development Studies; Sage Open; Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography; Society and Natural Resources; Sociological Research Online; The Geographical Journal; The Professional Geographer; Third World Quarterly; Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers; Urban Geography; Water Alternatives; Water Research; Weather, Climate and Society; Women’s Studies International Forum
Book Manuscript Reviewer for Publishers
Berghahn Books; Bloomsbury; Cambridge University Press; Earthscan; Guilford Press; I.B. Tauris; Polity Press; Routledge Publications; Rowman and Littlefield; Sage Publications; Scholastic Books; University of British Columbia Press; University of Minnesota Press; Yale University Press
Leadership in Research and Professional Organizations
- Member, Technical Advisory Group, Global Environmental Facility (GEF-8), United Nations (2021-present)
- Member, Advisory Board, Stockholm Environmental Institute (2022-present)
- Member, Climate Action Task Force, American Association of Geographers (AAG) (2021-present)
- Member, Climate Social Science Network (CSSN), USA (2020-present)
- Advisor, Rowan Institute (2019-present)
- Senior Personnel, Building a Community of Practice for Household Water Insecurity (HWISE) Research Coordination Netwrok, NSF Grant (2018-2023)
- Management Steering Committee Member, International WaTeRS (Water Related Training Education and Research in the Global South) Network (2014-2016)
- Member, Validation Committee, Katerva Awards (2014-2018)
- Member, National Screening Committee, US Fulbright Program, Department of State (2013-2014)
- Member, International Research and Scholarly Exchange Committee, Association of American Geographers (2013-2015)
- Chair, Development Geographies Specialty Group, American Association of Geographers (2013-2015)
- Scientific Panel Member, United Nations International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU), International Geographical Union (IGU) (2011-2017)
- Vice-Chair, Development Geographies Specialty Group, American Association of Geographers (2011-2013)
- Director, Development Geographies Specialty Group, American Association of Geographers (2009-2011)
- Co-Founder and Co-Moderator, Water Forum (International E-discussion Group) (2006-present)
- Founding Committee Member, Participatory Geographies Research Group, Institute of British Geographers (2005-present)
Services to the University and Department
Syracuse University, USA
- Member, Colloquium Committee, Department of Geography & the Environment (2023-present)
- Member, Tenure Mentoring Committee, Department of Geography & the Environment (2021-2023)
- Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Geography & the Environment (2021)
- Member, Maxwell Faculty Council Equity Committee, Maxwell School, Syracuse University (2020-present)
- Member, Chair’s Advisory Committee, Department of Geography & the Environment (2020-2022)
- Member, Faculty of Color Committee, Maxwell School, Syracuse University (2019-present)
- Member, Undergraduate Committee, Department of Geography & the Environment (2018-2021)
- Research Director for Environmental Collaboration and Conflicts, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflicts and Collaboration (PARCC), Maxwell School (2106-present)
- Faculty Advisor, Supporting Women in Geography (SWIG), Geography Department (2015-present)
- Faculty Leader, Climate Change Working Group, PARCC, Maxwell School (2014-present)
- Member, Steering Committee for the 100th Anniversary of the Maxwell School, Maxwell School (2014)
- Member, Organizing Committee for International Women’s Day, International Relations Program (2014)
- Advisory Board, South Asia Center, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs (2012-2013)
- Maxwell Faculty Council, Maxwell School (2012-2013)
- University Lecture event planning and hosting (Maude Barlow), Vice-Chancellor’s Office (2011)
- EnvGeo Listserv creator and moderator, Geography Department (Spring 2010-present)
- Member, Democratizing Knowledge Collective (2010-present)
- Maxwell Dean Search Committee, Maxwell School (2010-2011) [Appointed as the junior faculty member]
- Member, Clean Water Initiative Task Force, College of Arts and Sciences (2010)
- University Lecture event planning and hosting (Muhammad Yunus), Vice-Chancellor’s Office (2010)
- Member, Executive Education Program Project for India, Maxwell School (2009-2010)
- Research Presentation, Faculty Colloquium Series (Fall 2009)
- Faculty Welcome Caller, College of Arts and Sciences (Summer 2009)
- Discussion Leader, Focus the Nation Teach-In (Spring 2009)
- Affiliate Faculty Member of various programs/departments (2008 – present)
- Graduate Admissions and Awards Committee, Department of Geography (2008-2011)
King’s College London, UK
- Masters Admissions Tutor, Department of Geography (2007-2008)
- Member, Hazards and Risks Research Group (2007-2008)
- Participant, RAE (Research Assessment Exercise of the UK Higher Education Board) (2007-2008)
- Study Abroad Coordinator/International Student Advisor, Department of Geography (2006-2008)
- Member, Environment, Politics and Development (EPD) Research Group (2006-2008)
- Seminar Coordinator, EPD Research Group (2006-2008)
- Webpage Manager, EPD Research Group (2006-2008)
University of Manchester, UK
- Member, Society and Environment Research Group (SERG) (2005-2006)
University of Minnesota, USA
- Selection Committee Member, Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals (2004)
- Mentor, MacArthur Program (2003-2004)
- Member, Supporting Women in Geography (SWIG) (2002-2007)
- Departmental Representative, Grievance and Harassment Committee (2001-2002, 2003-2004)
- Departmental Representative, Council of Graduate Students (1996-1998)
Princeton University, USA
- Board Member, Princeton Association of Great Britain (UK) (2006-2008)
- Member, Board of Directors, IvyPlus Network (USA) (2002-2004)
- Member, Princeton University Alumni Schools Committee (USA) (1997-2004, 2009-present)
- Task Force Leader, Princeton Environmental Reform Committee (1994-1995)
- President, Vice-President, Consortium of International Student Center Organizations (1994-1996)
- High School Mentor, Student Volunteers Council (1994-1996)
- Tutor, Princeton University Tutors (1991-1995)
Services to the International Community
and Outreach Activities
- Steering Committee Member, HWISE Research Coordination Network (2018-2023)
- Member, WaTeRS, Water-related Training and Research in the South (2014-2016)
- Member, Climate Adaptation Working Group, Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (2009-2011)
- Member, Coordinating Committee, Bangladesh Environment Network (2009-present)
- Advisor, Climate Change Panel, Bangladesh Environment Network (2009-present)
- Advisor, Water Resources Panel, Bangladesh Environment Network (2009-present)
- Advisor, Climate Change Awareness Campaign, Drishtipat (Human Rights in Bangladesh), UK (2008-2009)
- Advisor, Open University Documentary Film Production on Air Pollution, UK (2008)
- Advisor, Open University Documentary Film Production on Climate Change, UK (2008) [2nd Prize Winner, World Bank International Film Competition, 2009]
- Advisory Committee Member, Gender and Water Alliance Bangladesh (2007-present)
Membership in Academic and Professional Associations
American Association of Geographers (AAG); Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers (RGS/IBG); Municipal Services Project (MSP); Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN); International Gender and Water Alliance (GWA); International Gender and Disasters Network (GDN); Wellbeing in Developing Countries (WED); Future of Minority Studies (FMS); 500 Women Scientists
Professional Development and Training
- Content Management System, Website Maintenance Training, ICT, Syracuse University, USA (2009)
- Content Management System, Website Maintenance Training Course, King’s College London, UK (2006)
- Preparing Future Faculty Retreat, Teaching & Learning Services, University of Minnesota, USA (2005)
- Graduate Student Professional Development Course, University of Minnesota, USA (2004)
- Teaching Assistantship Training Program, University of Minnesota, USA (2002, 2003)
- United Nations Development Assistance Framework, UNDP, Bangladesh (2000)
- Financial Information Management Systems, UNDP, Bangladesh (1999)
- Gender Mainstreaming, UNDP & UNICEF, Bangladesh (1998)