Photo Gallery
Dr. Farhana Sultana with His Holiness Pope Francis at a workshop at The Vatican, 2017 Farhana Sultana delivering the 2012 Faculty Convocation speech at graduation in the College of Arts & Sciences of Syracuse University Dr. Farhana Sultana with Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Laureate and founder of Grameen Bank, in 2010 Dr. Farhana Sultana with Dr. David Harvey, renowned geographer, at Syracuse University, 2014 Dr. Farhana Sultana hosting Maude Barlow, Recipient of the 2005 Right Livelihood Award, at Syracuse University, 2011 Dr. Farhana Sultana with Naomi Klein, famous author & activist, at Syracuse University, 2015 Dr. Farhana Sultana with Dr. Chandra T. Mohanty, renowned feminist scholar, at Syracuse University, 2012 Dr. Farhana Sultana with Dr. Saskia Sassen, renowned philosopher, at The Vatican, 2017 Dr. Farhana Sultana with Dr. Nancy Fraser, renowned feminist scholar, in Boston, 2017 Dr. Farhana Sultana with Dr. Rosi Braidotti, renowned feminist philosopher, at Syracuse University, 2015 Dr. Farhana Sultana with Dr. Lisa Lowe, renowned literary scholar, in Boston, 2017 Dr. Farhana Sultana with Dr. Peter Gleick, renowned water scholar, at the Vatican, 2017 Dr. Farhana Sultana with Rajendra Singh, Stockholm Water Prize recipient, at The Vatican, 2017 Dr. Farhana Sultana with Hauwa Ibrahim, human rights lawyer & Sakharov Laureate 2005, at Syracuse University, 2014 Dr. Farhana Sultana with Dr. Barbara Smith, renowned civil rights activist & scholar, at Syracuse University, 2018 Dr. Farhana Sultana with Dr. Sylvia Federici, renowned feminist scholar, in New Orleans 2018 Dr. Farhana Sultana with Dr. Arturo Escobar, renowned development scholar, in New Orleans, 2018 Dr. Farhana Sultana with Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, KCMG, the founder of BRAC, at Harvard University, 2015